Tuesday, January 23, 2007

National Health Insurance

' Meat has written a lengthy article outlining the costs and benefits of a single-payer health system. In theory, if the national government was responsible for every Americans' medical bills, it could cut costs associated with denying care or processing claims and alleviate the financial pressure health insurance imposes on employers. Would that leave the door open for unscrupulous doctors to over-prescribe care in an effort to scam the government? Maybe, but I'm pretty sure that happens already. Would that add a incredible financial burden onto an already ballooning national debt? Yes, but I would argue that that has less to do with health care and more to do with over-spending on other government programs. Will there ever be National Health Insurance in the United States? Probably not, but then again nobody ever thought that the Dow would break ten thousand or that the Berlin Wall would fall. Read the article and tell me what you think. I haven't quite made up my mind.

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