Tuesday, January 30, 2007

GruntDoc Hosts a Throwdown

Wow, do I love GruntDoc. He posts two excerpts opposing socialized medicine here. Is it just me, or is this issue getting a whole lot more press in the past couple of months? More and more, people are talking about the failings of our health system, and I personally think it's a wonderful thing. Not because I'm some lunatic anarchist (unless you're into that kind of thing, which is totally cool . . . ) but because I relish the opportunity to have a debate about it. Canada, the United Kingdom, swaths of Europe and South America, they all have a socialized medical system and they seem unlikely to give it up anytime soon. They have stopped having the conversation. I can't imagine anything less productive than the premature ending of the debate, particularly a debate raging about such a fundamental social concern as health care. We owe it to ourselves to argue and criticize and nitpick for as long as is prudent, if only so we can be sure that we're not entering into (or backing out of) a social contract without any thought.

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